Have you ever wondered why you are attracted to a specific person or if there were certain biological features that were more important than others? Well it turns out that beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder. In fact, there are different anthropometric traits we associate with an individual’s attractiveness. Science has uncovered distinguishing features that determine attractiveness. However, there is no need to worry if you lack these features as there are proven hacks we can use to improve our attractiveness. Let’s take a look at the scientific features that we are attracted to and what we can do to hack them.
We are unconsciously attracted to the shape of the human body.
Studies identify that men and women with symmetrical bodies have more orgasms. Science has discovered that we are attracted to the face more than any other part of the body; specifically, the symmetry of the face. A symmetrical face will be equal on both sides and demonstrates phenomenal genes. When we analyze the body of the opposite sex, we look for ideal body ratios. Men prefer a waist-to-hip ratio of 7:10. In contrast, women prefer a man with a 9:10 waist-to-hip ratio.
Let’s face it (pun intended), a youthful, proportional, and symmetrical face is ideal and attractive. There are specific exercises you can do in order to improve the symmetry of your face. These include the following: cheek toning exercise, the partial wink, and the facial stretch.
Furthermore, fix your posture. It seems as though everyone I come across has horrible posture. Here are some quick tips in fixing you posture: 1) Wear a posture belt; 2) Hold your cell phone at eyel level; 3) Use a standing workstation at the office; and 4) Simply stand up straight.
We are attracted to the voice of a person.
What type of voice are you attracted to? What if I told you that men prefer women with a high (breathy) voice? Well, we do. As women age, their voice will get lower and a high voice represents a younger woman. Whereas, a female is attracted to the voice of a man proportional to his body size – preferably a large body size that signifies a low pitch.
Fortunately, we can improve the sound of our voice. Preston Ni provides four suggestions for improving our voice: 1) Breathe right; 2) Make sounds based on diaphragmatic breathing; 3) Take a singing or acting class; and 4) Work with a private voice coach.
Our ring finger is linked to sperm count.
This one is a little shocking. Our fingers reveal a wide spectrum of information about us. John Manning writes in his intriguing book, Digit Ratio: A Pointer to Fertility, Behavior and Health, “The ratio of the length between the ring and index finger is somewhat sexually dimorphic. The fingers may provide permanent, and easily visible, historic marker of hormones, particularly testosterone.” Manning also commented on our hands and how they may infer whether we are more likely to have homosexual inclinations, if we are highly fertile or not, or even if we may eventually suffer from a heart attack. Crazy stuff!
I encourage you to check out Manning’s book, specifically the table identifying the characteristics associated with the digit ratio. You just might be able to determine if you are more aggressive, more fertile, or if you have a greater proclivity toward homosexuality just by looking at your fingers!
Long-distance runners are more attractive.
Research has uncovered that long-distance runners will have greater levels of testosterone. In fact, male long-distance runners have optimal genes. They are also in much better shape than everyone else. To rub it in even more, male long-distance runners are more likely to have raging sex drives and larger sperm counts.
Men and women who exercise are also more likely to be more intelligent. Exercise is the optimal vehicle for stimulating neurogenesis. Neurogenesis is the birth of new neurons (otherwise known as brain cells). So, get off your butt and go for a long run. This will not only make you more intelligent and fit, it will also increase your libido!
Lastly, men and women looking for the optimal partner will look for these qualities. By possessing them, you will more than likely attract a similar partner and continue to improve the gene pool. Remember, continuously improve your body, work on your voice, get in peak physical condition, and pay attention to your fingers.
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