48 Pickup Lines for Guys (The Best Backhanded Openers)

Pickup Lines for Guys

Pickup lines for guys come in all shapes and sizes. Choose the wrong pickup line and you’re just another schmuck. Choose the right type of pick-up line and you’ll be going home with your pick of the proverbial litter.

Funny Pickup Lines – Complimenting a Woman

Complimenting a woman is the classic way it’s done. But when everything other guy is doing it, you have to stand out from the crowd. So be original and be funny. Don’t tell her “You’re soooooo beautiful!” or “Your eyes are so pretty”. She’s heard all that before. Make her laugh and you’ll get her attention.
  1. Damn – and I thought I was good-looking.
  2. Thank you for being so perfect.
  3. Did you realize you were the most beautiful woman here?
  4. Mother Nature has been very…generous to you.
  5. You get better-looking every day.
  6. You should be someone’s wife.
  7. I’m writing a telephone book. Can I get your number?
  8. If I were a pirate, you would be my booty.
  9. Are you embarrassed to be so beautiful?
  10. I’d use a line on you, but I’m too intimidated by your beauty.
  11. You know, it’s girls like you that make me want to be a lesbian.
  12. If I were stranded on an island, I’d bring only this drink and you.

Pickup Lines about Money

Pointing out you’re a big spender or have a little money to throw around is never a bad idea. If you don’t have a whole lot of extra cash, pretending you do or making fun of the notion you do can score points, too. Don’t wear out this tactic, though.
  1. Hello. I’m rich and I don’t believe in pre-nups.
  2. My parents willed me $10,000,000 on the grounds I marry by this weekend. Can I buy you a drink?
  3. Couldn’t you help me reach the maximum on my credit cards?
  4. Do you eat? I’d like to buy you dinner.
  5. Hey, wanna arm wrestle for a quarter?
  6. I’m not free, but I am cheap. How about you?
  7. I’m not actually this tall. I’m sitting on my wallet.

Pickup Lines and Innuendos

Innuendos can be funny, or they can be horrific. Some women get offended if you come on too strong or get too personal. If you do this, know it’s a numbers game and don’t worry about the bad reactions. The worst crime is trying one of these and falling flat on your face. Be funny, or try something else.
  1. Wow! Nice pair of…shoes.
  2. Am I one of the things to pick up on your list today?
  3. If I had HIV, would you have sex with me? (She says “No”) Well, I don’t, so let’s go.
  4. Were you staring at my crotch.

Pickup Lines for Models and Actresses

Situational pickup lines sound unrehearsed and improvised, so if you have a few lines for odd situations, that’s a good idea. Try to tailor them to fit situations where they might be appropriate, but don’t go too far trying to do this. Here are several examples below, though there are all kinds of pickup lines by professional or setting. Use these as examples, and find the humor in whatever situation you find yourself in.
  1. Is modeling as much work as it looks?
  2. You probably recognize me from my underwear ads.
  3. I’m sure I’ve seen you in another film.
  4. My mom warned me about girls like you, but I don’t care.

Pickup Lines for Co-Workers

  1. You are definitely the reason I came here tonight.
  2. If you don’t know me, you’re welcome to fill out an application.
  3. You look familiar. Didn’t we go to different schools at the same time?
  4. Doesn’t someone know you from somewhere.

Pickup Lines to Use on Nurses

  1. Sorry for standing so close, but I seem to be allergic to everyone else.
  2. I’ve got to sit down. You’re making my knees weak.
  3. Can I check your heartbeat?
  4. I hope you know CPR, because you’re making my heart race.
  5. They say love is the only medicine for a broken heart.

I’m So Vain – Pickup Quotes

Men playing against type can be comedic and attractive. Using lines a woman might think or a woman might say can be funny.
The only reason you don’t recognize me is that I’m the faceless lover in your dreams.
  1. If I didn’t have this heart condition, I’d make you an offer you couldn’t refuse.
  2. You remind me of my dead ex-girlfriend. (This one can go anywhere…)
  3. As a matter of fact, I am God’s gift to women.
  4. Must you stare?
  5. I’m more than just a pretty face.

Negs – Negative Pickup Lines

The “neg” is the negative comment, meant to puncture a woman’s ego, shock her into wanting your approaches (reverse psychology, in a way) and set her up for moves later. The idea of the neg is taught by Mystery, the pickup artist who pioneered the field.
Here’s the idea: a woman is used to getting compliments from men. They are used to getting unconditional approval. When you give them a backhanded compliment or a negative pickup line, you immediately stand out from the crowd – your approval is conditional. You show you’re a challenge. You present them with a situation they aren’t used to. Suddenly, they go from “who does he think he is” to “who is he” to “what do I have to do to get his approval”.
Watch out, though – the neg is a risky proposition. You’re going to offend some women. You’re going to piss some off. You’re likely to get negative blowback, so you need a thick skin and a willingness to put you in a negative situation. The real talent with the neg is to be able to turn it around, depending on her reaction. A good seduction artist can react both to a positive and a negative reaction to the neg.
  1. You’re so flat you make the walls jealous.
  2. I’d like to screw your brains out, but it seems someone’s already beat me to it.
  3. That outfit must make a lot of noise in the dryer.
  4. I’m a sweet guy, and you clearly must have a taste for sweets.
  5. I thought I’d come over and give you self-esteem a boost.
  6. Can I buy you a drink, or do you just want the money?
  7. That outfit is really ugly. You should take it off immediately.

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