8 Habits Of People Who Look Younger Than Their Actual Age

The current culture is obsessed with how to look younger. There are anti-wrinkle cream commercials by the dozen, there are thousands of plastic surgeons who specialize in making people look younger, and of course the air-brushed celebrities only add to the obsession with looking younger. “They” say that there is no anti-wrinkle cream out there that actually works. Plastic surgery can go horribly wrong and is also very expensive. Celebrity photos are not real. We all know this, yet our culture is still obsessed with how to look younger. So, is there anything a normal person can do to make themselves appear as less than their age? The answer is yes, but you may have to go about it much differently than you think.
Here are 8 scientifically-proven ways to look younger than your actual age:

1. Age Gracefully

There’s nothing worse than the sight of someone who is desperately trying to keep looking like a teenager while everyone else can tell their real age. If you are trying to look younger, sometimes the secret is to look your age! Dressing like a teenager and wearing a ton of makeup can actually make you look older than you are. (We’ve all seen these people!) Accept who you are, age and all. Age gracefully, love yourself, and you will look younger without even trying. A study conducted in the USA confirms that people who have a positive outlook on aging live longer and look younger than people who do not age so gracefully.

2. Add Some Spice to Your Diet

Appearing younger doesn’t just have to do with appearance. Keeping your brain alert and young is also important. Researchers from Singapore discovered that people who eat curry often have better cognitive function than those who don’t. Your brain’s cognitive functioning ability is an important aspect of looking younger. You want to keep your mind sharp as well as your face and body to truly appear younger.

3. Accept Life for What it Is

Harvard University researchers have discovered that developing a thick skin towards the curve balls that life throws at you can help you to appear younger than your age. If you are not easily fazed by your circumstances, you will do well in the battle against wrinkles. To achieve this you must remember that your circumstances do not define who you are. Nothing can change who you are. Circumstances always change; nothing lasts forever. So, don’t sweat the small stuff, or even the big stuff.

4. Sing!

Your voice may not sound like an angel’s, but the effects of singing as discovered by US researchers, are too good to keep your mouth shut. They are not sure why singing keeps you younger, but whether it’s breathing better or simply the social togetherness of joining a choir, looking younger is a great side effect! Do a quick search online and find a choir in your area to join.

5. Spend Quality Time With Your Dog

Dogs give unconditional love and it is extremely hard to not love them back. The act of spending time with an animal who adores you and wants to have fun with you improves your emotional outlook on life. Research also shows that the simple act of walking your dog will boost your fitness level, increase social activity, and give your sense of well-being a boost. All of these factors play a part in making you look younger.

6. Wondering How to Look Younger? Sleep!

If you want to look younger, don’t buy into the idea that you can “sleep when you’re dead.” Sleep is so important to your body and brain functions, and sleep experts have discovered that you don’t need less sleep as you age. Apparently, you will always need as much sleep as you can get, especially if you want to look younger! Try to always get 8 hours as often as you can.

7. Get Religion

Multiple studies prove that the act of praying, going to church, and having faith can add a few years to your life. This is because things like bitterness, resentment, and unforgiveness cannot be present in your heart alongside faith. Holding onto unforgiveness can even cause illness, and the people who are able to forgive appear to live longer, fuller lives. Faith brings a release of stress and worry which is good for your body and make you look younger than you are.

8. Google Can Help You Appear Younger

Researchers proved that surfing the internet regularly helps the brain to stay sharp in language, memory, and reading; all of which are important to appearing younger. So instead of “wasting time” on the internet, you can think of it as your long-term goal for anti-aging. Surf the net to your heart’s content! Just make sure you are still getting enough sleep.

What Makes Some People More Attractive To The Opposite Sex? Science Gives The Answer!

Have you ever wondered why you are attracted to a specific person or if there were certain biological features that were more important than others? Well it turns out that beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder. In fact, there are different anthropometric traits we associate with an individual’s attractiveness. Science has uncovered distinguishing features that determine attractiveness. However, there is no need to worry if you lack these features as there are proven hacks we can use to improve our attractiveness. Let’s take a look at the scientific features that we are attracted to and what we can do to hack them.

We are unconsciously attracted to the shape of the human body.

Studies identify that men and women with symmetrical bodies have more orgasms. Science has discovered that we are attracted to the face more than any other part of the body; specifically, the symmetry of the face. A symmetrical face will be equal on both sides and demonstrates phenomenal genes. When we analyze the body of the opposite sex, we look for ideal body ratios. Men prefer a waist-to-hip ratio of 7:10. In contrast, women prefer a man with a 9:10 waist-to-hip ratio.
Let’s face it (pun intended), a youthful, proportional, and symmetrical face is ideal and attractive. There are specific exercises you can do in order to improve the symmetry of your face. These include the following: cheek toning exercise, the partial wink, and the facial stretch.
Furthermore, fix your posture. It seems as though everyone I come across has horrible posture. Here are some quick tips in fixing you posture: 1) Wear a posture belt; 2) Hold your cell phone at eyel level; 3) Use a standing workstation at the office; and 4) Simply stand up straight.

We are attracted to the voice of a person.

What type of voice are you attracted to? What if I told you that men prefer women with a high (breathy) voice? Well, we do. As women age, their voice will get lower and a high voice represents a younger woman. Whereas, a female is attracted to the voice of a man proportional to his body size – preferably a large body size that signifies a low pitch.
Fortunately, we can improve the sound of our voice. Preston Ni provides four suggestions for improving our voice: 1) Breathe right; 2) Make sounds based on diaphragmatic breathing; 3) Take a singing or acting class; and 4) Work with a private voice coach.

Our ring finger is linked to sperm count.

This one is a little shocking. Our fingers reveal a wide spectrum of information about us. John Manning writes in his intriguing book, Digit Ratio: A Pointer to Fertility, Behavior and Health, “The ratio of the length between the ring and index finger is somewhat sexually dimorphic. The fingers may provide permanent, and easily visible, historic marker of hormones, particularly testosterone.” Manning also commented on our hands and how they may infer whether we are more likely to have homosexual inclinations, if we are highly fertile or not, or even if we may eventually suffer from a heart attack. Crazy stuff!
I encourage you to check out Manning’s book, specifically the table identifying the characteristics associated with the digit ratio. You just might be able to determine if you are more aggressive, more fertile, or if you have a greater proclivity toward homosexuality just by looking at your fingers!

Long-distance runners are more attractive.

Research has uncovered that long-distance runners will have greater levels of testosterone. In fact, male long-distance runners have optimal genes. They are also in much better shape than everyone else. To rub it in even more, male long-distance runners are more likely to have raging sex drives and larger sperm counts.
Men and women who exercise are also more likely to be more intelligent. Exercise is the optimal vehicle for stimulating neurogenesis. Neurogenesis is the birth of new neurons (otherwise known as brain cells). So, get off your butt and go for a long run. This will not only make you more intelligent and fit, it will also increase your libido!
Lastly, men and women looking for the optimal partner will look for these qualities. By possessing them, you will more than likely attract a similar partner and continue to improve the gene pool. Remember, continuously improve your body, work on your voice, get in peak physical condition, and pay attention to your fingers.

8 Highly Attractive Things In Women (That Have Nothing to Do With Appearance)

I’ve been helping men improve their love lives for years now. I’ve probably read dozens of articles on what women find attractive in men. I’ve even written a few of them. The funny thing is, I rarely come across articles that touch on what men find attractive in a woman. Is the modern dating game so lopsided that it’s enough for a woman to just ‘show up’, or do we men stumble merely at the sight of a nice head of hair and a shapely body?
I won’t deny the fact that this is true for a lot of men out there, but there’s a little more needed to really attract a man who isn’t impressed with mere ‘good looks’?
Now, I can’t speak for the entire population here, but here are eight things that I, personally, find incredibly attractive in a woman.
1. Kindness

This might sound like a bit of a cliché, but true kindness really is rare these days. Sure, you get people who are nice to those who hold some sort of value to them, but how many people do you meet every day that would go and talk to the lone stranger crying in the subway? I don’t want to be with a person that’s just nice to me, my friends, and my family. I want a person who can brighten up my day by brightening up the lives of everyone she comes in contact with.
You have a power to lighten someone’s day just by smiling to them. It’s worth using it often, also to become more attractive in men’s eyes. Studies from the University of British Columbia show that men are attracted to smiling women. A natural smile conveys messages like optimism and stability, which are definitely qualities desired in a mate.

2. Positivity and sense of humor

“It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority.”
One of the most important things in any relationship, romantic or otherwise, is the ability to have a great time and have a good laugh. Taking care of your emotional hygiene and good mood should be your priority. Only then you can take life positive, light, and with a fair dose of humor. While I never hold any significant other to a comic standard of say, Ellen Degeneres, I do love a woman who can live life one day at a time, take a joke, and crack a few of her own.

3. Passion

This might sound like a tall ask to some, but I’m a person who needs to be inspired constantly to be happy. To me, there’s no feeling in this world as attractive as being inspired by a woman who’s passionate about her pursuits in life.
You could be a world class pianist or you could be doctor, the minute I see your eyes light up while talking about what you want to achieve in life, I guarantee you I’ll be falling hard and fast. You cannot get bored together, because there is always a topic to talk about with a girl who is passionate about something.

4. Getting along with my friends

A friend once told me an old Chinese saying of a man that has a wife who gets along with his friends will have a long and pleasant life. Well, I have a feeling that my friend might be lying about there being an actual saying; however, I have to say that it really is a beautiful thing to be with a woman who can get along with your buddies and just be ‘one of the guys’ when she wants to.

5. Confidence

“Nothing is more beautiful than a confident woman who doesn’t pretend to be someone she’s not.”
I don’t know about you, but I like being around people who are happy to be themselves. You see, it’s not just women who respond powerfully to a confident partner, I love being with a woman who stands up for herself and what she believes in; as long as it’s not an opinion against my sports team or favorite band. Ha! Just kidding. I would never date a girl who didn’t love Iron Maiden.

6. Being comfortable with her sexuality

There’s a lot to be said on what’s sexy and, more specifically, on what makes a woman sexy. To me, what matters is not what a girl wears beneath the sheets or what she’s into, it’s the fact that she’s comfortable with her own sexuality and aware of her sexual energy. Romance is just so much more fun with a woman who knows what she’s into and isn’t abashed about it.
Your sexuality is a big part of your human nature. The sooner you embrace this side, the better and more attractive partner you become.

7. Decisiveness

“A girl should be two things: who & what she wants.”
One of my biggest pet peeves is people who don’t know what they want and can’t take responsibility for their own decisions. At the end of the day, I’m willing to battle through a few arguments on where we should have dinner or which movie we should watch, as long as I know that I’m with a person who’s strong enough to be decisive.

8. She has her own sense of style

Here’s the thing: we men are very much visual creatures. It’s just how we’re evolutionary programmed. Something that I absolutely love in a woman is a unique sense of style. I’ll admit that I tend to gravitate towards certain stereotypes – bohemian Goth with a fair share of body ink (in case you’re wondering). I fall in love whenever I see a woman who has a sense of style that I don’t get to see on every street corner.