4 Ways Long Distance Relationships Can Survive

Long distance relationships can prove to be a challenge. In this millennial world, we are all connected by technology hence distance seems a mere absence of physical contact. Over the years, long distance relationships have become the tradition and the challenge many couples have to go through. In the midst of opportunities and financial necessities, relationships often struggle to overcome the distance factor.

However, how can one recreate the intimacy while being miles apart? How do you create the exclusivity while being so far apart? How do you create the trust and confidence towards your relationship?
I found my answers after having experienced the Long Distance Relationship. After being part of the struggles and turmoils whilst finding support from similar couples who share my experience .
So how do we all do it ?

1. Focus On Yourself First

In order to be happy and confident in your relationship, you need to be able to embrace yourself first. Through thick and thin you need to be able to love yourself. Your love is then shared with your partner, with pure trust and confidence. Sometimes we jump into relationships as a form of deep and rooted emotional support which eventually causes you to have an extremely high expectation whilst your partner feels he’s put in a pressure cooker.
This can be detrimental for yourself as well as your relationship. Never carry your baggage around and dump it on your partner, instead make peace with it and share it with them. Understanding is the key for an outstanding relationship hence sharing is the key. In order to reach such a mutual understanding, you would need to understand yourself first.
Take time for yourself and indulge in activities that can challenge your emotional boundaries. Once you’ve made peace with yourself, you would find being in a long distance relationship as part of your life instead of a huge burden.

2. Focus On Communication And Sharing Together

Communication is vital for any relationship especially if you’re miles apart. It’s what guarantees your relationship lasting, reduces anxieties and creates trust. Personally, I’ve had problems giving my full trust to someone. Often times, it impacts the one I care about the most . Eventually, I understood myself and eradicated the cause. I gave a chance to trust. However, this wouldn’t have been possible if the effort of communication wasn’t made.
Sometimes I get these questions, ” My boyfriend doesn’t text me much , what do I do ? The key is to find a balance, create a routine and schedule your time spent together. Share with them videos, stories or anything that reminds you of them. Allow them to have a sneak peak to your world even if they aren’t accustomed to doing the same. Sometimes some people are too much into social media, so don’t get offended.
As long as you have a mutual understanding on how your communication should be, you’ll be able to cruise along the distance easily,

3. Create Memories Together

Memory is an amazing timeline to look back. Flashbacks are wonderful and ensure the life of the whole relationship . Remembering laughter , stress, and even tears can bring couples together. When staying apart in a long distance relationship, memories are an important element to keep your relationship progressing and keeping it special .
One way to create such memories is to travel the world together. One of my personal favorite locations would be the Canary Islands. It’s not only secluded but it also encompasses the elements of nature. It’s a place where you can not only get to know your partner but you can also enjoy the adventure of being there. Relax and enjoy the fine dining experiences and create the intimacy which has been non-existent due to the distance.
You can also travel to places that would challenge your minds such as India and Philippines. You are definitely in for a challenge both with the food as well as language. This will test your relationship boundaries and understanding in your relationship. Why not try it?

4. Schedule Your Next Visit

Organization and scheduling are important if you and your partner are at opposite ends of the world. You need to have a certain timeline of spending time with each other while maintaining your real life. Having a concrete plan also allows you to be financially stable and gives you the anticipation to be reunited once again.
A couple I knew, a Vietnamese woman and a Brazilian man, fell in love in Russia and constantly shuffled countries to be close to each other. Despite the turmoil, they constantly scheduled their next visit sometimes a few months prior. This allowed them to have a form of anticipation and excitement .
Over time, this visits and travel created a story that’s unique to them and developed a sense of trust and commitment. Your relationship should be an unknown love story and perfect organization can guarantee that.
In Conclusion
Having a long distance relationship can be a challenging adventure. However, the best of gems is found on rough rocks. Once you reach your final destination you will find all of this ultimately worth it .

Happiness Isn’t About How Much You Have, But How Much You Enjoy Life

Many of us believe that the more we have, the happier we are. But is it really the truth?
As economy develops, we seems to be able to live a better life. Earning money to buy the things that we desire, that’s how it goes. But do these material possessions always guarantee long-lasting happiness?
There might be a time that you have been saving money to buy yourself something, like a new gadget, a luxury car, or a grand apartment. Yes, you might be uplifted at the moment but the delight never lasts. The happiness recedes after a day, a week, a month, a year, or a decade. The new gadget will become old, the luxury car will depreciate, the grand apartment will become boring.
The truth is that although we have much more than the previous generations do, we are not happy as we are supposed to be.
Probably we have fallen into traps which keep us away from the long-lasting happiness that we have been chasing for throughout our lives. Check if you have fallen into one of these 3 traps and try to get rid of them:

We play hard but become slaves of desires

There is a kind of people who always play hard and sometimes we call them the hedonist. The hedonists always strive to maximize pleasure and hunt for excitement to satisfy their desires without realizing the negative side of their behaviors. They only look for pleasure and try to escape from pain. It is not uncommon that they would gradually become the slaves of desires with only vanity left after the excitement fades away.

We work hard but suffer from the pain

The busy bee is the exact opposite of the hedonist. They work hard in exchange for more material possessions. They look for the pleasure that comes in the future but suffer from the present pain. They do not realize that they are just running on a treadmill, running hard but only marking time. Ironically, the material possessions that they work hard for can only give them temporary happiness.

We do nothing hard but lose the passion of life and the hope of future

Then, you might think that it is better not to play hard or work hard. However, being a nihilist can neither guarantee you long-lasting happiness. Being a nihilist is the worst case because the nihilists believe that life is meaningless. They do not enjoy what they have got at the moment, nor do they have any hope for the future. Without passion and hope, one can hardly have feel any kind of happiness.
We spend years living our lives on this planet and it would be a pity if we cannot get a taste of what it is like to be truly happy. Easy come, easy go. The long-lasting happiness that keeps us living our lives passionately is something that worth us spending time to build. There is something we can do to pursue the happiness that lasts a lifetime.

1. Capture and collect positive emotions

To put it simply, the more positive emotions you capture in a day, the more likely your happiness sustains.
Positive emotions are not limited to joy and excitement. Psychologists say that positive emotions also include joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, pride, amusement, inspiration, awe, and love.  These positive emotions can broaden and build our long-lasting psychological, intellectual, physical and social resources which increase our well-beings.
Try to capture and collect your positive emotions every day. Keep a diary or take some photos. Instead of recording what happens, describe how you feel is rather more important. This will build your psychological resource and one day it will remind you what kinds of positive emotions you have experienced.

2. Engage with what you do

Wanderers with no goals often feel unhappy. They disconnect with the world and tend to be over-absorbed in their emotions or abstract, unexplainable thoughts. They are on a road to nowhere.
But instead, if we are more present in our lives and feel engaged with whatever we do or say, we can feel more grounded and happier. Being engaged prevents your mind from wandering and stops you from overthinking too much. On the other hand, when you are engaged in something, maybe your job or your hobby, you work for improvement and accomplishment. The pleasure of eventually achieving something gives you the feeling of pride and also makes whatever you are doing meaningful.

3. Derive meaning from everything you do

If we can’t find any meaning in what we do, we tend to have a sense of loss, thinking that we have wasted our time and energy. It is just like the nihilists who think life is meaningless and a waste of time.
Frankly, there are some times that we really find something meaningless. Those things that are supposed to disappoint or frustrate us are exactly what keep us from the long-lasting happiness. Try to derive meaning from them and think in the other way round. Losing a competition might be a chance for you to realize your room for improvement; failing in a interview might be a chance for you to look for a better opportunity.

4. Build in-depth relationships with others

We always need some kinds of connections with people, friends, families, and lovers. But what makes us feel satisfied from relationships is not the quantity but the quality.
Some might be satisfied with the fame but it is only the vanity. An in-depth relationship is a totally different story. It allows you to open up your mind fearlessly. You can have deep chats with your friends, hearing their stories and telling yours. You do not only gain practical support but also emotional supports from them. There is nothing better than being deeply known by someone who knows you better than yourself and speaks your mind.

5. Broaden your definitions of success

Success is not only about winning a game or trumping others. It can mean completing things you want to do or should do. It can be small or big, which does not really matter. It can be as simple as finishing a small task on your work. Sometimes people judge and they define the meaning of success as numbers. But bear in mind that you are the only one who can define your success.
And by celebrating your accomplishments, even the smallest ones, every day can make you happier. Just because of finishing a small task on your work, you can celebrate it by giving yourself a little treat. It is the mark showing that you are capable of achieving something and giving you a sense of pride.

Be happy and shine like a diamond

Happiness is sometimes a very abstract idea and we might be lost on the road to the long-lasting happiness. The pursuit of happiness is a lifelong lesson that we all have to take. But once you and I get the clues, we will all shine like a diamond, with an everlasting shiny light that everyone would admire.

4 Ways to Leave your Comfort Zone and Achieve the Impossible

Have you ever wondered how some people achieve the greatest heights of success while others remain trapped in mediocrity through their entire lives? Why is it that only some get to taste the highest levels of success while the others, despite their consistent efforts do not? All these people, whom you call as achievers have one thing in common, they never settled for anything less than best, whether it meant for them to leave the comforts and the good life. If you want to achieve the impossible, it is essential first to lose the love for comfort.

Why the comfort zone is bad for you

For most of the people, their ultimate goal is to lead a comfortable life. All their hard work and efforts are directed towards achieving a comfortable and easy lifestyle. Their goal is to earn enough money so as not to have to worry about the different needs of life and rightly so. Until you have the bare necessities of life there will be less focus on fulfilling bigger things. However, if you view your life in the hindsight it would be easy to realize that the biggest accomplishments came when you were completely out of your comfort zone. The parts of the life when you decided that enough is enough, and decided to leave all the comforts behind were the parts where you actually grew, either in your career or personal life.
Comfort is the enemy of growth. As soon as you start sliding in the comfort zone, you become averse to risks and get satisfied with the status quo. This makes you blind to many outstanding opportunities which then go to some other person who makes the most of them. Sure, you might be doing well for yourself right now, but if you get comfortable with ‘good enough’, chances are you will never rise beyond and become great.
People who become comfortable with their surroundings let go of opportunities to explore the unknown. For instance, an employee who has adapted to a particular company’s work culture, made some good friends there and is satisfied with what he is paid will rarely think twice before letting go of a chance to sit for an interview with another company. The reasons are simple enough, he or she will find it uncomfortable to adjust in a new environment, make new friends and work under a new boss. All these things will make him anxious, and anxiety is not a pleasant feeling. That employee will always crib about how slow his career growth is but won’t accept that it’s his love for the comfort zone, which is preventing him from taking things to the next level. Sure, there is risk involved, but how often in your life have you accomplished something substantial without taking any real risk? Chances are; not very often.
Failure is a discomforting thought but that’s actually the trigger of success. Until you do not risk failing, you will not put the efforts to face the unexpected. Although no one wants to remain anxious perennially, but we often need a little bit of anxiety to push us and improve our performance.

How to get out of the comfort zone?

The only thing that holds you back from achieving the impossible is your own affinity towards comfort. You need to step out and break the convention. There are a number of ways you can step outside your comfort zone and grow beyond the self-created boundaries.

1. Review and revise your daily routine

The first thing that you need to change is your daily routine which was made to suit your current lifestyle. Until or unless you make changes to this routine, it will not be easy to push yourself to step out of the realm of comfort. Initially, it need not be a very big change, as even subtle differences can be enough to initiate a shift in your perspective. When these small changes become a habit, you can easily push for the bigger goals.

2. Take baby steps towards your goal

Maybe you are tired of your bully boss and want to get a new job somewhere else but are too lazy to try. Maybe the thought of a new environment, new colleagues and a new boss makes you anxious. However, if you really want to achieve your goal you need to start with small steps towards achieving it. It could be either reaching out to people in your professional networks, getting acquainted with them on various public forums, upgrading your work related skills or enhancing your ability to communicate effectively. All these are small steps towards achieving the required confidence to face any situation, any boss or any colleague at your new workplace.

3. Do not be afraid of failures

Whatever be the outcome, look forward to it. Our biggest enemy is the fear of failure which keeps us from crossing the self-created boundaries. However, if you want to achieve something you should go for it regardless of the result. Getting out of the comfort zone was never about succeeding the very first time, it was more about getting rid of your fear of failure, and allowing yourself to grow, no matter what the initial outcome may be.

4. Try new things, Meet new people

Doing new things opens up mind to new perspectives and ways of thinking which we might not have considered earlier. Similarly, meeting new people it broadens our horizon and introduces us to new methods of achieving the same thing. Sometimes, it’s not what we do, but how we do it that makes the whole difference. Listening to stories of other people will certainly reduce the anxiety associated with exploring the unknown and provide the required inspiration.
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When You Drink Water On An Empty Stomach After Waking Up, These 8 Amazing Things Will Happen

Japanese women are well known for their slim, healthy, and toned figures. While genetics almost certainly plays a role, many claim that their morning ritual may also be helping them stay healthier. Put simply, most Japanese women drink water immediately upon waking.
This ritual, now deeply rooted within Japanese culture, is actually a form of water treatment that’s scientifically proven to help remedy a number of body disorders. Unlike the U.S. and other western countries,Japan’s population does not suffer heavily from disorders such as obesity and diabetes. It stands to reason that we could learn a thing or two from their healthier lifestyles!

Why is Drinking Water So Important?

For a start, 70% of your body is made up of water, so it’s essential to keep it fresh and topped up to keep the body working properly. When the body’s water requirement is not met, it has a variety of negative short-term and long-term health consequences.
Long-term dehydration can lead to rheumatoid arthritis, migraines, angina, colitis, dyspepsia, hypertension, obesity, haemorrhoids, breast cancer, pulmonary tuberculosis, kidney stones, sinusitis, and uterine cancers!
Help your body to better avoid these conditions by drinking water after waking up and keeping your body hydrated throughout the day.

How Can I Perform Water Treatment?

This is a proven method for treating body disorders, menstrual disorders, and eye-related ailments. Also, you will feel invigorated the whole day after following this water treatment.
  • Drink approximately 160 ml of water four times immediately after waking up, before brushing and on an empty stomach.
  • Don’t eat anything for the next 45 minutes.
  • Drink water at least 30 minutes before eating, but not during the following two hours after breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • If you cannot drink four glasses of water on an empty stomach, then you can begin with one glass or as much as your body supports. You can gradually increase the intake of water till you reach the desired level of 640 ml.

When Can I Expect Results?

  • Diabetes or high blood pressure patients: allow 30 days
  • Suffers of constipation and Gastritis: allow 10 days
  • TB patients: allow 90 days.

Key Benefits of Drinking Water on an Empty Stomach

1. Helps Rid the Body of Toxins

As you drink water, it naturally urges movement in your bowels. At night, your body repairs itself and casts out all the toxins in the body. When you drink water on an empty stomach in the morning, you will flush out these harmful toxins, leaving your body fresh and healthy. Drinking plenty of water can help in increasing the production of muscle cells and new blood cells.

2. Improves Metabolism

Drinking water on an empty stomach can increase your metabolic rate by at least 24%. It is very important for those people who are on a strict diet. An increased metabolic rate means an improved digestive system. You will be able to follow your diet routine more easily if you digest faster. Drinking water immediately after waking up purifies the colon, making it easier to absorb nutrients.

3. Reinforces Healthy Weight Loss

When you drink water in the morning on an empty stomach, you will release all your toxins and it will improve your digestive system. You will feel less hungry and your cravings will be reduced. This will prevent weight gain caused by overeating.

4. Alleviates Heartburn and Indigestion

Indigestion is caused by increased acidity in the stomach. You suffer from heartburn when the acid refluxes into your oesophagus. When you drink water on an empty stomach, these acid are pushed down and get diluted, solving the problem. Also, this provides a head start for your stomach for the upcoming breakfast.

5. Improves Complexion and Skin Radiance

Dehydration causes premature wrinkles and deep pores in the skin. It was found out in a study that drinking 500 ml of water on an empty stomach increases blood flow in the skin and makes skin glow. Also, drinking more water throughout the day means that your body is releasing toxins, which will make your skin more radiant.

6. Promotes Shiny, Smooth, and Healthy Hair

Dehydration can have a serious impact on your hair growth. Drinking plenty of water nourishes your hair from the inside out. Water makes up almost ¼ of the weight of a hair strand. An insufficient intake of water can cause brittle hair and thin hair strands. You should drink more water every day, but drinking water on an empty stomach can improve the quality of your hair to a greater extent.

7. Prevents Kidney Stones and Bladder Infections

Drinking water immediately after waking up is important for preventing kidney stones and bladder infections. It is a fact that drinking water on an empty stomach dilutes the acids which lead to stones in the kidney. The more water you drink (to a healthy limit), the more you will be protected from various kinds of bladder infections caused by toxins.

8. Strengthens Immune System

Drinking water on an empty stomach helps in flushing and balancing the lymphatic system, which leads to increased levels of immunity. A strong immune system will keep you safe from various diseases and prevent you from falling sick as often.
As you can see, there are a whole host of benefits of drinking water immediately after waking up. It’s without a doubt the easiest way to make a positive change to your lifestyle without spending any money.

48 Pickup Lines for Guys (The Best Backhanded Openers)

Pickup Lines for Guys

Pickup lines for guys come in all shapes and sizes. Choose the wrong pickup line and you’re just another schmuck. Choose the right type of pick-up line and you’ll be going home with your pick of the proverbial litter.

Funny Pickup Lines – Complimenting a Woman

Complimenting a woman is the classic way it’s done. But when everything other guy is doing it, you have to stand out from the crowd. So be original and be funny. Don’t tell her “You’re soooooo beautiful!” or “Your eyes are so pretty”. She’s heard all that before. Make her laugh and you’ll get her attention.
  1. Damn – and I thought I was good-looking.
  2. Thank you for being so perfect.
  3. Did you realize you were the most beautiful woman here?
  4. Mother Nature has been very…generous to you.
  5. You get better-looking every day.
  6. You should be someone’s wife.
  7. I’m writing a telephone book. Can I get your number?
  8. If I were a pirate, you would be my booty.
  9. Are you embarrassed to be so beautiful?
  10. I’d use a line on you, but I’m too intimidated by your beauty.
  11. You know, it’s girls like you that make me want to be a lesbian.
  12. If I were stranded on an island, I’d bring only this drink and you.

Pickup Lines about Money

Pointing out you’re a big spender or have a little money to throw around is never a bad idea. If you don’t have a whole lot of extra cash, pretending you do or making fun of the notion you do can score points, too. Don’t wear out this tactic, though.
  1. Hello. I’m rich and I don’t believe in pre-nups.
  2. My parents willed me $10,000,000 on the grounds I marry by this weekend. Can I buy you a drink?
  3. Couldn’t you help me reach the maximum on my credit cards?
  4. Do you eat? I’d like to buy you dinner.
  5. Hey, wanna arm wrestle for a quarter?
  6. I’m not free, but I am cheap. How about you?
  7. I’m not actually this tall. I’m sitting on my wallet.

Pickup Lines and Innuendos

Innuendos can be funny, or they can be horrific. Some women get offended if you come on too strong or get too personal. If you do this, know it’s a numbers game and don’t worry about the bad reactions. The worst crime is trying one of these and falling flat on your face. Be funny, or try something else.
  1. Wow! Nice pair of…shoes.
  2. Am I one of the things to pick up on your list today?
  3. If I had HIV, would you have sex with me? (She says “No”) Well, I don’t, so let’s go.
  4. Were you staring at my crotch.

Pickup Lines for Models and Actresses

Situational pickup lines sound unrehearsed and improvised, so if you have a few lines for odd situations, that’s a good idea. Try to tailor them to fit situations where they might be appropriate, but don’t go too far trying to do this. Here are several examples below, though there are all kinds of pickup lines by professional or setting. Use these as examples, and find the humor in whatever situation you find yourself in.
  1. Is modeling as much work as it looks?
  2. You probably recognize me from my underwear ads.
  3. I’m sure I’ve seen you in another film.
  4. My mom warned me about girls like you, but I don’t care.

Pickup Lines for Co-Workers

  1. You are definitely the reason I came here tonight.
  2. If you don’t know me, you’re welcome to fill out an application.
  3. You look familiar. Didn’t we go to different schools at the same time?
  4. Doesn’t someone know you from somewhere.

Pickup Lines to Use on Nurses

  1. Sorry for standing so close, but I seem to be allergic to everyone else.
  2. I’ve got to sit down. You’re making my knees weak.
  3. Can I check your heartbeat?
  4. I hope you know CPR, because you’re making my heart race.
  5. They say love is the only medicine for a broken heart.

I’m So Vain – Pickup Quotes

Men playing against type can be comedic and attractive. Using lines a woman might think or a woman might say can be funny.
The only reason you don’t recognize me is that I’m the faceless lover in your dreams.
  1. If I didn’t have this heart condition, I’d make you an offer you couldn’t refuse.
  2. You remind me of my dead ex-girlfriend. (This one can go anywhere…)
  3. As a matter of fact, I am God’s gift to women.
  4. Must you stare?
  5. I’m more than just a pretty face.

Negs – Negative Pickup Lines

The “neg” is the negative comment, meant to puncture a woman’s ego, shock her into wanting your approaches (reverse psychology, in a way) and set her up for moves later. The idea of the neg is taught by Mystery, the pickup artist who pioneered the field.
Here’s the idea: a woman is used to getting compliments from men. They are used to getting unconditional approval. When you give them a backhanded compliment or a negative pickup line, you immediately stand out from the crowd – your approval is conditional. You show you’re a challenge. You present them with a situation they aren’t used to. Suddenly, they go from “who does he think he is” to “who is he” to “what do I have to do to get his approval”.
Watch out, though – the neg is a risky proposition. You’re going to offend some women. You’re going to piss some off. You’re likely to get negative blowback, so you need a thick skin and a willingness to put you in a negative situation. The real talent with the neg is to be able to turn it around, depending on her reaction. A good seduction artist can react both to a positive and a negative reaction to the neg.
  1. You’re so flat you make the walls jealous.
  2. I’d like to screw your brains out, but it seems someone’s already beat me to it.
  3. That outfit must make a lot of noise in the dryer.
  4. I’m a sweet guy, and you clearly must have a taste for sweets.
  5. I thought I’d come over and give you self-esteem a boost.
  6. Can I buy you a drink, or do you just want the money?
  7. That outfit is really ugly. You should take it off immediately.

Puffy Eyes In The Morning? This Might Indicate You Need To Adjust Your Lifestyle

Remember those mornings when you were sure you had slept well, and you knew that you had slept for at least 8 hours, but when you woke up and looked in the mirror you noticed how puffy your eyes were? And yet you are 100% sure that you did not cry while sleeping.
So why is it that you have puffy eyes? For sure, you want to get to the bottom of it because you do not want to use up another stick of concealer ever again.
Mainly, the cause of puffy eyes is fluid retention (or mild oedema) which is common and most of the time usually harmless. However, puffy eyes can also be caused by deeper reasons. The good news is, the more watchful we are of little things that our body might be telling us, the more that we can do to prevent it.
Here are some of the reasons we may have puffy eyes:

1. Too much intake of sodium

As reported by Medical News Today, having too much salt in our body causes oedema or swelling. To balance this out, we need to drink enough water and limit our salt intake. If we have a lot of sodium and not enough water, our body holds on to excess fluid to prevent dehydration, which causes puffy eyes. Puffy eyes caused by too much sodium are easy to get because high levels of sodium are always within our reach. Most of our sodium intake comes from processed foods such as microwaveable meals, bread, bacon, and drinks. The fewer processed foods we eat, the lower our sodium intake. According to the Center for Disease and Control Prevention, sodium is very accessible in food products such as pizza, breads and rolls, poultry, soups, cheese, etc. So be careful and make sure that you choose the unprocessed and low sodium varieties for your food choices. Let us lessen sodium intake and always drink lots of water.

2. Lack of protein

According to the Harvard Medical School, lack of protein in the blood — which can be caused by malnutrition, kidney and liver disease — causes swelling in our body. The Kidney Fund says that this is due to low albumin (which is a protein) in our blood. The albumin’s job is to get rid of extra fluid. So make sure that you eat a healthy diet so that your body can produce all the albumin it needs.

3. Bad kidney function

Puffiness around the eyes, especially in the morning, may be a sign of kidney disease. How does bad kidney function show up in puffy eyes? According to the Medical News Today, it is because the kidneys might not be eliminating enough sodium in the blood. As mentioned above, too much sodium causes oedema. Kidneys can also let albumin leave the body, causing yet more issues with extra fluid.
According to the National Kidney Foundation, other symptoms of a chronic kidney disease include nausea, feeling tired, vomiting, swollen feet and ankles, lack of appetite, dry and itchy skin, pain in the back and pain in urinating. So if you have some or all of these together with puffy eyes, please go see a doctor to get tested for kidney disease.

4. Eating too many carbohydrates

A study for the National Institute of Health showed that a high carbohydrate diet results in more insulin secretion and sodium retention. And the more sodium in our bodies, the more water retention we have. Staying away from processed food and carbohydrates will give us a lower chance of getting oedema. The American Heart Association recommends getting carbohydrates in as natural a form as possible — like getting carbohydrates from potatoes instead of bread.
We are what we eat, and what we eat affects how we look and how we feel. Little things in our appearance can signal a lack or an excess of something in our bodies. The good thing is, we are in control of what we eat. So let us watch for signals that our bodies are sending us because this is the first part of taking care of our bodies.

25 Smile Pick Up Lines (How to Compliment a Girl’s Smile)

Openers with Women about Smiles

There aren’t quite as many pickup lines about smiles as you would think. Below are some of the best of a longer list that included some real bombs and losers.  Always remember that merely complimenting a girl about her smile is not the same as making her feel special and attractive.  Focus on what gives her that great quality and let the conversation go where it will.

A beautiful smile could mean she is already interested in you. Don’t overdo it by ignoring the obvious signs of interest she may be sending off. Girls rarely give you a bright, beautiful smile if they want you to go away. On the other hand, if she is not smiling then you have to get her to smile in some reasonable way. Using smile chat up lines at the wrong time kills your chances. You may have to open up the conversation with something that brings out that beautiful smile.
And remember: the best compliment for a smile is a genuine smile back. Your smile can be a little bit reserved or sardonic but you don’t want to come off like an idiot. Nor do you want to seem insincere or insecure. Don’t be afraid to reward her smile with a warm smile of your own. She’ll take that as the genuine compliment it is.
There are plenty of openers about a woman’s smile along the same lines, about how beautiful her smile is, but these can be pretty cliche. I used well over 10 resources and only came up with the following openings, one-liners, and pickups.

Smile Pickup Lines — How to Compliment Her Smile

  1. Is that smile patented?
  2. Hey, don’t frown – you’ll never know who might be falling in love with your smile.
  3. So you floss!
  4. Show me your overbite.
  5. The Sun turns pale at your smile.
  6. Your smile could sell a half-million magazine covers.
  7. Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me?
  8. You have the most beautiful smile in the world, and I’d like to celebrate this point with you.
  9. Hey, don’t I know you? Yeah, you’re the girl with the beautiful smile.
  10. Do you bleach your teeth? ‘Cause your smile lights up the entire room like a candle in the dark. Let’s go prove it.
  11. Should I smile because we are friends, or cry because I know that is what we will ever be?
  12. How many words can you make out of the word “smile”? (I, Me, I’m, Lie, Mile, Lime, Slime)
  13. You have the whitest teeth I’ve ever seen.
  14. Smile, it can’t be that bad.
  15. Are you smiling at me or do I have my contacts in wrong?
  16. Your smile is like sunshine.

Pick-Up Line Angle About Smiles

Once you have a woman smiling, you can take your smile pickup lines in a number of different directions. The following is one of those you’ll find online in one form or another, but it’s not a bad approach. Play around with the concept to make it your own.
Once a woman smiles, you can run this routine. It’s best used once you’ve established that you’re a cool guy, and you know you’re quite attractive to her: “Hey, you know…you have three smiles.” She’ll probably ask a follow-up question. If she does, say the following line: “Yeah, that was your ‘I’m flattered’ smile, and then you have a, um – not fake – but a polite smile…then there’s this really genuine smile when you laugh, and your whole face lights up. Then there’s this smug, ‘hey this guy digs me’ smile. I’ve a feeling I might see that a lot.

More Pickups Lines about Smiles

  1. If you prefer the quick quip or comment, then here’s a few openers that are a little less involved. With a couple of dozen pickup lines on the subject of “smiles” and “smiling”, I hope you find a good opener for your bar act, seduction methods, or personal style of picking up girls.
  2. Smile if you’re sexy!
  3. Smile if you want me!
  4. Hey, where did your smile go? (Check back pocket) Here it is!
  5. I’m on smile patrol. You’ve exceeded the smile speed patrol.
  6. I have had a really bad day and it always makes me feel better to see a pretty girl smile. So, would you smile for me?
  7. If I could reach out and hold a star for every time you’ve made me smile, I’d hold the sky in the palm of my hand.
  8. I’ll buy you a drink every time you smile at ME tonight. (Better bring your credit card)
  9. Excuse me, you have a sensuous overbite.
  10. Love your smile.

25 Eye Compliments (How to Compliment a Girl on Her Eyes)

Compliments about Eyes

Pickup lines about eyes are a pretty specific subject, but the most common compliment men make to a woman tends to be about either her eyes or her smile. That means the casual pickup artist wants to go into a social setting armed with a few compliments and pickup lines about a girl’s eyes. These need to stand out, because of how common it is for a guy to say how pretty a woman’s eyes are. Use a line she hasn’t heard before, or you might as well be commenting about the weather.

When you compliment her eyes, you want it to sound as sincere as possible.  Being sincere is the easiest way to sound sincere.  If you don’t see something sparkle in the girl’s eyes then you should hold off on the compliment until her mood improves or she becomes more excited.  Eye compliments work best when they are natural and as unrehearsed as possible.  But that doesn’t mean they can’t be memorized and used as required.
Pickup lines about eyes should be attention getting in the best way.  Intrigue her by letting her know that her eyes intrigue you.  If she is interested in you she wants to know that her interest is reciprocated.  If she is not interested in you then save the eyes compliment until you have sparked that interest.  Using compliments about eyes is one of the oldest tricks in the book and, frankly, most girls hear them long before you come along.  You’re treading a very muddy path that has been trampled by plenty of guys before you.
How to compliment a girl about her eyes is not just about remembering the cool things you can say.  It’s about recognizing a special quality that the girl will really appreciate.  Complimenting a girl on her eyes is best done when her eyes wake up to the situation and let you know she is open to sincere flattery.  But your flattery should hold something back.  Don’t just start worshiping her.

One-Liners about Eyes – Pickup Lines about Her Eyes

  1. You know what? Your eyes are the same color as my Porsche.
  2. I’ve been looking at your eyes all night long, because I’ve never seen such dark eyes with so much light in them.
  3. Your eyes are as dark as a castle moat by midnight. Lower your drawbridge and let me cross.
  4. If you were a tear in my eye, I wouldn’t cry for fear of losing you.
  5. Your eyes glow like the twin suns. (Use “binary stars” if you’re in astronomy class, or both of you are geeky.)
  6. If I were a tear drop I would be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.
  7. I bet it was hard for God to make your eyes out of crystal clear ocean water.
  8. Either those are your eyes, or you managed to make a contact lens made out of gem stones.
  9. I don’t know if you’re beautiful or not, I haven’t gotten past your eyes yet.
  10. Your eyes are as blue as my toilet water at home.
  11. Your eyes are blue, like the ocean. And baby, I’m lost at sea.
  12. Do you remember Crayola Crayons? They used to have this color: Blizzard Blue. It was my favorite color and I could never figure out why. But I just realized why, your eyes: Blizzard Blue.
  13. When I look into your eyes, it is like a gateway into the world of which I want to be a part.
  14. (For woman with blue eyes): I think God took the color out of the ocean and put it in your eyes.
  15. (For woman with green eyes): I think God took the pigment out of a leaf and put it in your eyes.
  16. (For woman with brown eyes): I think God took a brown topaz gem and made you eyes out of it.
  17. (Say this one with a smile): You know at this angle as the lights hit your eyes, (as you start fixing your hair) I can see myself and I look great.
  18. Is your Dad an astronaut? Because someone took the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes.
  19. Do you have a map? I keep getting lost in your eyes. Can you give me directions? I’ve seemed to have lost myself in your eyes.
  20. I don’t know which is prettier today, the water, the sky or your eyes.
  21. I wasn’t sure if you were a beautiful angel or a sexy devil, but now that I’m close I see heaven in your eyes.
  22. They say the eyes are the mirror to the soul. You must have one beautiful soul.

Pickup Lines about Your Eyes

These might not be exactly what you’re looking for, but I thought I’d include them anyway – just in case. In these quips and pickup lines, your eyes become props in your attempt to seduce. I don’t necessarily suggest you use the first two, unless you are talking to a pretty salty woman, but I think the third joke is pretty darned funny.
  1. You got something on your chest: my eyes.
  2. Hey baby, you’ve got something on your butt: my eyes.
  3. Hi, I’ve been undressing you with my eyes all night long, and think it’s time to see if I’m right.
Okay, so those last few are some pretty cheesy pickup lines. But it’s fun to look at lame pickup lines every once in a while, too. Keep reading for more great pickup lines, and I hope one of these pickups line about eyes help you get the woman of your dreams – or at least your daydreams.